110(2)靜宜大學因應「新型冠狀病毒肺炎」疫情─安心就學措施Study-at-Ease Pandemic Prevention Measures for COVID-19









  1. 開學日期:111221日。
  2. 第一輪加退選時間修訂為111/2/152/18,第二輪加退選時間修訂為111/2/25111/03/1,請參考110學年度第2學期選課時程表
  3. 延遲返校境外生,請盡速開通校園帳號,並主動與國際事務處、所屬學系以及修課授課教師保持聯繫,以利線上學習。
  4. 赴境外修讀雙聯學位、或參與實習等計畫是否持續,請洽各學系(或職產處)估是否保留或延長資格。
  5. 學生如主動要求赴境外研修或實習,請洽國際暨兩岸事務處或職產處簽定出國研/實習自負聲明書。
  6. 無法赴境外實習或研修者,請於加退選規定期限內自行上網選課,如未達最低學分數或當期必修課程未順利選上者,請洽各學系及教務處綜合業務組共同協助。
  7. 特殊個案得經申請獲准後,不受每學期最低學分數限制。
  8. 學生須於上課日起(111221),依所修課程每週教學進度學習,如有疑問請盡速與所屬學系聯絡。
  9. 學生請盡速開通校園Teams帳號,查看所選課程是否正確以利開學後上線學習,相關操作說明請參閱Microsoft Teams 操作手冊【學生版】(或至靜宜大學首頁教務處教學發展中心放心教x安心學-靜宜大學線上教學資源專區安心學x學生專區查詢)。相關操作如需協助,請與資訊處教學資源中心或教務處教學發展中心聯繫。


  1. 境外學生應於111221日前完成註冊繳費(含住宿費)及辦理選課,方為完備註冊手續。
  2. 受災學生得以通訊方式或委託他人辦理請假、休學等事宜,或檢具相關證明至遲於開學三週內完成補辦程序。


  1. 學生因疫情影響無法到校,須主動與國際暨兩岸事務處(境外生)、所屬學系以及修課授課教師保持聯繫,線上學習期間無須請假。
  2. 學生完成通報手續並列入追蹤個案者,如須進行檢測或是其他因素無法進行線上學習,可申請防疫假,請假期間之缺課不列入當學期該課程之缺曠課紀錄,亦不扣減該科出席成績。
  3. 請假相關問題請參閱(靜宜大學首頁新冠肺炎防疫應變專區本校防疫措施Q&A→學生事務Q&A - 請假、校內外獎助學金、學生平安保險、生活助學金、餐廳)






  1. 有關停課、復課,悉依教育主管機關及中央流行疫情指揮中心之規定辦理。
  2. 停課後之補課:
    • 維持一學分18小時學習內容,必要時由授課教師自行調整上課時間與方式。
    • 各課程如因防止疫情擴散必須停課者,停課期間之課程,由授課教師與學生協商後,調整上課時間與方式,補足停課時數。


  1. 境外學生至遲應於111320以前入境,並於完成14+7檢疫後至本校就讀,逾期未至本校就讀者,學生得以通訊方式或委託他人,檢具相關證明文件向本校教務處綜合業務組申請休學,辦理休學者其已繳交之學雜費,依教育部「專科以上學校學雜費退費基準表」辦理,如需退費者,得保留扣抵下期學雜費
  2. 前款疫區限制來台之受災學生,因無法於本學期順利就學者,得個案專簽申請該學期休學不列入休學期數


  1. 動輔導關懷機制:由本校學生事務處住宿服務組、諮商暨健康中心、國際暨兩岸事務處等單位,針對具感染風險學生之身心狀況,進行評估與處遇,並視狀況轉介校外相關資源。
  2. 個案追蹤機制:將由校安中心做為非上班時間之單一窗口,上班後校安中心將視學生諮詢問題,諮詢教務處相關同仁。
  3. 維護學生隱私所有學生狀況及資料,皆以保護個案隱私為基本考量。


  1. 學生完成通報手續並列入追蹤個案者,請假期間之缺課不列入當學期該課程之缺曠課紀錄,亦不扣減該科出席成績。
  2. 考試請假從寬處理,並由教師自行決定補考方式,並視科目性質,調整以補考或其他補救方式核定成績。

Study-at-Ease Pandemic Prevention Measures for COVID-19
Providence University

Announced 2022/2/18

I. Applicant Qualifications

Following the announcement of the Central Epidemic Command Center.

II. Certified Documents

Notice of Self-Quarantine/Home Quarantine or other relevant proofs.

III. Course Selection and Enrollment

  1. Semester Start Date: February 21, 2022
  2. First round of course enrollment/withdrawal is scheduled from February 15 to February 18, 2022. Second round of course enrollment/withdrawal is scheduled from February 25 to March 1, 2022. Kindly refer to the timetable for semester 2 of 2021 academic calender.
  3. For international students who delay returning to school, please activate school account as soon as possible. Actively keep in touch with the office of international affairs, relevant departments, and course instructor for online course related matters.
  4. Students who study double-degree majors, or participate in internship programs overseas, please contact relevant departments (or office of career development and industry facilitation) for eligibility retainment or extension evaluation.
  5. For students with intention to study or apply internship overseas, please contact Office of International Affairs or Office of Career Development and Industry Facilitation for signing of study-abroad/internship responsibility statement.
  6. For those who are not able to complete internship or study overseas, please complete course selection/withdrawal process within the specified period. If one does not meet the minimum credit requirement or fail to select required courses for the semester, please contact relevant departments and division of registration and curriculum for assistance.
  7. The minimum credit requirement does apply to those unique cases with granted permission. 
  8. Starting from February 21 of 2022, students are required to follow-up the selected weekly course schedule. For further inquiry, please contact relevant department as soon as possible.
  9. To ensure the selected courses are correct and online options are available, students should active university Teams account as soon as possible. For relevant guideline, please refer to the Microsoft Teams Operation ManualStudent Version. (or go to homepage of PUà Office of Academic Affairs à Teaching Development Center à Providence University Online Teaching Resources Section as attached here. ) If you need further assistance, please contact the Office of Information Technology Services or Teaching Development Center within the Office of Academic Affairs.

IV. Registration and Tuition Fees (Cashier Section)

  1. To complete the registration procedure, international students should complete the payment of registration fee (including dormitory fee) and course selection before February 21, 2022.
  2. Students who are affected by the epidemic can arrange attendance leave and suspension through others. Or one may complete the procedure with supporting documents within three weeks once the semester starts.

V. Student Leave of Absence (Guidance and Counseling Section)

  1. Students who are unable to attend school due to the impact of the pandemic must take the initiative to keep in touch with the Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs (overseas students), their affiliated departments, and their instructors. There is no need to ask for leave during online learning.
  2. Completing the notification procedures and having been included in the tracking case, students mayask for pandemic prevention leave for the online program due to an inbound COVID-19 test or other reasons. Absences during the leave period will be excused in the participation record of the class in the current semester and will not affect participation grades.
  3. For questions related to leave, please refer to (Providence University HomepageSpecial Section for Responsive Measures of COVID-19 PandemicPandemic Prevention Q&AStudent Affairs Q&A - Leave of Absence, On and Off-Campus Scholarships, Student Safety Insurance, Living Subsidy, Restaurants).

VI. Exam Leave

Leave application for exam will be treated leniently. Makeup examination forms can be determined by the course instructor.

VII. Remedial Teaching (Teaching Development Center)

For partial courses which provide that offer synchronous or asynchronous online teaching (Up to six weeks, until April 2nd ) students may apply for assisted learning. Furthermore, the school also provides remedial learning for courses required by the school and the department. For related announcements, please refer to the section for COVID-19 pandemic on our website or contact the affiliated directly.

VIII. Class Suspension, Resumption, and Make-up

  1. The protocols for class suspension, resumption, and make-up are implemented in accordance with the regulations mandated by the central authority and CECC.
  2. How to make up a class after the suspension:
    • The make-up learning content must retain 18 hours for one credit. The instructors may adjust the class schedule and teaching method as they see fit.
    • If the courses ought to be suspended for complying with the pandemic containment, progress. during the suspension may be made up by a new schedule or method as agreed upon by both instructors and students.

IX. Withdrawal and Extension of Study Years

  1. Overseas students must enter the border no later than March 20th, 2022, and study at the university upon the completion of 14+7 quarantine. Failing to report in at the university in time, students will have to apply for the withdrawal, either via correspondence or by an authorized party, to Division of Registration and Curriculums by showing related certification. The tuition and fees, which are previously paid by the students of withdrawal, may be carried over the next semester to deduct the tuition and fees according to the College-level and Above Tuition Fee Policy by the Ministry of Education.
  2. For students whose departing countries (as previously mentioned) are subject to the entry ban and thus cannot study at the university this semester, they may request for the unique permission to withdraw without increasing the numbers of withdrawal.

X. University Counseling Mechanism

  1. Caring and Counseling Mechanism Activation: The task force consists of members from the Division of Student Housing Service, Counseling and Health Center, and Office of International Affairs and provides assessment and treatment for the focused cases. Depending on the cases, the task force may offer referrals to external resources.
  2. Tracking Mechanism for Individual Cases: The School Security Center (Military Office) would be the sole contact window after working hours. During the working hours, the School Security Center may referral the questions to the Office of Academic Affairs.
  3. Student privacy is the prior concern, and all students’ status and data are well-protected.

XI. Grading Criteria

  1. For students whose cases have been notified to the authority and kept in track, their absence during the leave will be waived for the semester and does not affect the attendance grade.
  2. The leave request for an exam will be considered with leniency. Instructors may decide for themselves regarding the means to make up the exam.